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1 7 A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P R S T U V W

The lodge

So alone




Once upon a time...

Sweet intuition

Mount Wittenberg Orca
Björk & Dirty Projectors
June 30. 2010
  • MP3 - (UK) This item is in my collection
Cover - Mount Wittenberg Orca - Björk & Dirty Projectors - mp3 - -  (UK)
1. Ocean 2:09
2. On and ever onward 2:01
3. When the world comes to an end 3:08
4. Beautiful mother 2:16
5. Sharing orb 2:48
6. No embrace 4:13
7. All we are 4:43
Note: All proceeds from the digital sales (website) will go to the National Geographic Society for the project of creating international marine protected areas. Mount Wittenberg is located at Point Reyes National Seashore in California. The inspiration for the EP came when Amber Coffman of Dirty Projectors saw a pod of whales off the coast while hiking at that spot.
Innundir skinni
Ólöf Arnalds
September 13. 2010
  • CD - One Little Indian tp lp 1065 cd (UK)
Front cover - Innundir skinni - Ólöf Arnalds - cd - One Little Indian - tp lp 1065 cd (UK)
Back cover - Innundir skinni - Ólöf Arnalds - cd - One Little Indian - tp lp 1065 cd (UK)
1. Vinur minn 2:08
2. Innundir skinni 2:54
3. Crazy car 3:21
4. Vinkonur 4:00
5. Svíf birki 2:31
6. Jonathan 3:52
7. Madrid 4:52
8. Surrender 5:23
9. Allt í gúddí 3:26
Note: Featuring Björk as background vocal on 'Surrender'
Innundir skinni
Ólöf Arnalds
promo 2010
  • CD - One Little Indian tp lp 1065 cdp (UK) This item is in my collection
Front cover - Innundir skinni - Ólöf Arnalds - cd - One Little Indian - tp lp 1065 cdp (UK)
1. Vinur minn 2:08
2. Innundir skinni 2:54
3. Crazy car 3:21
4. Vinkonur 4:00
5. Svíf birki 2:31
6. Jonathan 3:52
7. Madrid 4:52
8. Surrender 5:23
9. Allt í gúddí 3:26
Note: Featuring Björk as background vocal on 'Surrender'
Showing all releases from 2010 - including 1 promos